1 Inspiration for facade TOD'S (Toyo Ito) 2 Inspiration for internal plan (double use space) Wollahra libaray Pinterest img for lecture room stairs Multi use lecture room 3 Section and plan development A simple and rectangular plan was folded up to form up my simple section in order to provide an open and simple space for users to justify the functions. 4 Peer Review for draft submission A halfway sketchup model
The bridge is connecting square house to the new science and engineering building with a series of multiple function rooms along the plan. Access can be gained from ground floor, square house or new Sci & Eng building. it is designed as more than 80% of space are open plan with possibility to be transformed into space of different purpose. Open plan lecture room 1 Open plan lecture theater 2 (double stories; can be separated by portable panel to become a small lecture room) Hall way with studios Open plan for studio, meeting room and computer room Office Recreational areas (designed for reading) link: Lumion https://www.dropbox.com/s/hw5su44pnyz3zch/BRIDGE%20Tree.ls8s?dl=0 Sketchup https://www.dropbox.com/s/fr490i2odo2gpng/UNSW%20Kensington%20Bridge.skp?dl=0
(Rotational, scalar translation, linear, liquid, acceleration and drop respectively0 Fluid texture on moving panel 1 Linear texture on moving panel 2 Rotational texture on garden decoration pole
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